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Education: Seven Complex Lessons by Edgar Morin

Edgar Morin is a very well known French sociologist and philosopher. He is best known as the author of a number of books on “complexity” and “complex Thought”.

In this video, E. Morin outlines some of his ideas on “Complexity” and Education in the form of Seven Complex Lessons.

Thinking Complex is Simple

Although he’s talking about Complexity which is supposed to be difficult to grasp, the whole idea is simple.
He explains that Life should be taken in all of its dimensions between Prose and Poesy.
The same for Human who toggles between being a Homo Sapien, Homo Demens, Homo Faber, Homo Economicus and Homo Ludens.

How to Start Thinking Complex?

Thinking complex is first overcoming the constraints of reductionism, egocentrism, and socio-egocentrism.

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