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Post-structural Semiotics

Post-Structural Semiotics

According to Roland Posner, semiotics at the fin du siècle[1] became “The art of revealing or creating meaning in discourse. Semiotics becomes “semanalysis” (Kristeva,1969a) or the “deconstruction” of discourse (Derrida 1967a; de Man 1979, 1993; Culler 1982)” (Posner, “Post-Modernism, Post-Structuralism, Post-Semiotics?” p.23) It then went from science to art, from logos to creativity, and from…

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Linguistics of Parole Usage Discourse

Linguistics of Parole / Discourse / Usage[1]

Linguistics today is generally interested in language use; That is, Parole and more precisely discourse[2].  We could list, for instance: - Sociolinguistics: This is one of the disciplines that take into consideration the social dimension of language. The first form of sociolinguistics explored variations and how speech changes from an individual/group/community to another by observing…

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Saussurean Sign VS Peircean Sign

Saussurean Sign VS Peircean Sign

Peircean SignSaussurean SignGeneral: It applies to everything, even atoms, or thoughts. The Peircean sign applies to all areas.Linguistic, but generalizable[1]. However, according to the first definition given to semiology, it cannot be applied outside of Language[2]Triadic: A constitution of three elements (Object – Sign – Interpretant)Dyadic: Composed of two elements (Signifier – Signified)Pragmatic: It is…

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The Peircean Sign

The Peircean Sign

The Peircean Sign C.S Peirce’s sign is a constitution of three elements: Sign (Sign-Vehicle), Object, and Interpretant[1]. - The object is generally any object with all its characteristics (The complete object): for example, a paint bucket. - A sign is that part that retains the attention of the interpreter. Let’s say, for example, a piece of…

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The Saussurean Sign

The Saussurean Sign

The Saussurean Sign Ferdinand de Saussure’s sign is composed of a signifier and a signified; The two are inseparable like the two faces of a sheet. Ferdinand de Saussure is a mentalist. According to him, signs are psychic and not physical entities. The signifier represents the acoustic image: A mental representation and not a sequence of…

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Semiotics VS Semiology

Semiotics VS Semiology

C.S Peirce’s Semiotics And Ferdinand De Saussure’s Semiology The diagram shows two currents: one in Europe, the other in America. Ferdinand de Saussure’s Semiology represents the European current. C.S Peirce’s Semeiotics/Semiotics represents the American current. The two semioticians above are the precursors of modern semiotics, qualified as scientific. They inspired semioticians like Louis Hjelmslev, Charles Morris,…

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